Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Bumpers and Maquettes?!?!

I mentioned that I had been working on a few different things, one of which being a new bumper for my demo reel and the other a maquette of Richard, the necromancer from the webcomic Looking For Group.

Here's the bumper, pretty happy with how it came out and satisfied to call it done!

I started with basing it off of the PlayStation "It Only Does Everything" campaign; at first, it was coming off as just a straight rip-off and that just doesn't work. So changing a few things, making the color scheme resemble my business cards/blog, different audio track, and I think I've made it my own.

Next up is the Richard maquette. It looks like LFG is hosting a type of contest where competitors are crafting, drawing, sculpting, carving, etc. their own version of Richard for some unknown prize. The pose is from this page, last panel. I'm not so dead set on winning as I am just wanting to get back into more traditional media a bit; it seems like it's been far too long since I've done something that hasn't been on the computer. I'm really enjoying the process so far and am very thankful that I had Sam Ellis to give my Pre-Production class a crash course in building armatures and maquettes.

Bare wire and wood base

A little bit of aluminum foil...

Some sculpey for the wall section...

Starting on Richard!!

I believe that's all I really have to say for now; two posts in two days...what's next?!?!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

"The Unkown" is... interesting

I'd like to say that a good bit has happened in the near two months since my last post; I suppose you could argue either way. Since graduation, my wife and I have moved back to our hometown and begun the wonderfully exciting and adult world of hunting for work. We've had a few nibbles here and there but nothing that has come to fruition so far. My list of offers from places is short and runs the gamut from Sony Santa Monica to Starbucks; sad to say, I am still unemployed.

But as horrible as it sounds, I'm getting used to it; not so much in that I am perfectly happy to be living without income but rather I am starting to get back into working in After Effects and Maya as well as doing something with my hands in terms of traditional media. In addition to getting into the unemployed workflow, I've also been trying to hit up the social network a bit, reconnecting with some of the great people I met at GDC. I don't want to be the kind of person that uses people just for getting work, I honestly do want to get to know these people because wouldn't you know it, some of them can be pretty damn interesting!

 There are still a few more irons in the fire as far as jobs go and flame hasn't completely gone out yet; it seems that the hardest part about not having a job is trying not to let it drive you too crazy to the point where you can't get anything else done. Hopefully I can at least be a bit more faithful to myself in terms of posting on this blog during this period. Hopefully.